Optimize and
cost reduction
If machines and systems are designed from a modular system over a longer period of time, topics creep in here, such as “We have always done it this way …” or “We have never thought of that ..”. It also happens that assemblies have grown empirically, i.e. new additions were always made and the functional, assembly and / or manufacturing requirements were not taken into account. Intervention is then carried out to revise the complex assemblies and components that have grown, so that e.g. several components are combined into one component to reduce the complexity for assembly and service.
The manufacturing-related issues in particular have a direct impact on the costs of the assembly, on the one hand during production and on the other hand during assembly, which may have become increasingly complex and complicated. The new manufacturing options (e.g. 3D printing) make it possible to manufacture components at optimal cost. With this revision, total savings of up to 40% can be realized.
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